About Us
Jericho Kids’ Club (JKC) is a non-profit before and after school care organization. We offer morning and afternoon care, as well as care during professional days for school-aged children (5 through 12 years) at three elementary schools. We also provide full-day camps during winter, spring and summer break for school-aged children.
Jericho Kids’ Club is committed to providing a quality program, based on social emotional learning that is fun!
Staff do their best to fulfill the mandate of the Mission and Philosophy statements. We try to be excellent role models and have great attitudes every day! Programs are planned to ensure that Jericho Kids’ Club is a safe, challenging and exciting place to be.
Children are encouraged to be responsible for their daily attitudes, actions, efforts and behaviours. They will have opportunities to provide input, feedback and planning of the activities and events.
Families are vital to the success of the organization. Please talk to us on a regular basis – let us know how your child is doing and what you think about the program.
Mission Statement
To Provide a Safe, Challenging and Exciting Environment, Inspiring a Sense of Belonging For The Children, Families and Staff.
History of Jericho Kids’ Club
Jericho Kids’ Club began at Bayview School in 1989. Jericho Kids’ Club 2, at General Gordon School was opened in 1991, and Jericho Kids’ Club 3, at Southlands School in 2002. All centres are licensed under the Community Care Facilities Act to serve children from kindergarten age through twelve years. We are currently licensed for 78 children at Bayview, 80 children at General Gordon and 40 children at Southlands. We are pleased to meet or exceed license standards for child/staff ratios. When children in kindergarten or grade 1 are present: 1 adult per 12 children When all children are grade 2 or above: 1 adult per 15 children Jericho Kids’ Club has strong relationships with its host schools. These relationships are integral to the quality of the centres and the well-being of the children and families they serve.